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The 5/6-Year-Old Open finals were held Saturday, Feb. 13. From the second draw, SMF Cutting Horses LLC’s Button Down Supercat, ridden by Equi-Stat Elite $3 Million Rider Wes Galyean, marked a 223 to lead the pack, a score that ultimately held for the win.


The 2015 Breeder’s Invitational Derby Open Reserve Champion topped her scores from both the first go (220) and the second go (219) and walked away with a $19,338 paycheck. The 5-year-old Cross Timbers Cutting Horses LLC-bred mare (Dual Rey x Highbrow Supercat x High Brow Cat) now sports $138,636 in earnings, according to Equi-Stat.


Galyean also went home with the Reserve Championship on Cowcat 511, who scored a 221.5 and banked $15,470. The 5-year-old gelding (by Metallic Cat) is the second-highest earning offspring out of the Smart Little Lena mare Cowstruck, a producer of 15 money-earning offspring ($849,581). Cowcat 511 was bred by Reata Cutting Horses LLC, of Los Olivos, California, and is also owned by SMF Cutting Horses LLC.


Quarter Horse News
By Kristin Pitzer

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